Saturday, January 12, 2008

Are There Funds Available By:Dan Delgado

Funds availability is the main reason people fall into debt. This lack of funds may be a direct result of a job loss, medical condition, business failure, etc.. Falling behind loans is not something most people plan or want to do, life happens, we must go on. A plan has to be set into place in order to eliminate debt that has accumulated over the years. Joining a reputable debt relief program is the first step to getting back into a sound financial status. Saving money in order to negotiate unpaid accounts is the next step. Without funds availability joining a debt relief program is not going to do much, it would be like playing football without a ball. Knowing funds will become available makes it easier to negotiate.

Funds can come in the form of loans from family members, pension plans, stocks, selling some prized toys. What we must understand is the real urgency of coming up with money. If we are sick, what do we do? We go to the doctor. If we want to settle debt, what must we come up with? Money!

In my years of debt negotiating I have come across unbelievable offers from creditors and collectors only to have my clients say to me there are no funds available. Those wonderful settlement offers cannot be held for ever. There is a window of opportunity that must be taken advantage of when negotiating debt. Funds must be made available as fast as possible, like getting a heart for a heart transplant patient. It is that essential, money, must be available in order to negotiate debt.

No one can fool anyone into making them believe their creditors will wait around forever to receive their money. Please wake up. If anyone ever calls a debt relief agency and they are told they have 36,46,56 months to settle their debt, this agency is absolutely lying to you.

Not all debt being held at one time has to be placed in a debt settlement program. Be smart. Negotiate a few accounts at a time, give yourself time to come up with funds. That is why I always stress to stay away from the retainer fee charging companies, of course they want you to bring all of the debt into the program, only reason is to charge a larger retainer fee. Find some agency that will help you negotiate one account at a time. Remember this will allow you more time to come up with funds.

Excellent settlements come to those who act smart. The smart way to negotiate is to pick and choose which accounts to negotiate on first. Find out which credit card companies are easier to work with, negotiate on your smaller balances first, be proactive, investigate. Have a garage sale, try getting a loan on property owned, sell the extra car sitting in the driveway, sell cookies at school, but just do not sit at home feeling sorry. Only action will get people out of debt, those sitting at home waiting for their debt to disappear will have to wake up to a cruel reality someday. There is hope, reach for help but most important help thyself!

Dan Delgado is an active unsecured debt negotiator, he has experience negotiating personal as well as business debt. For more information please visit

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