Saturday, January 12, 2008

Common Debt Settlement Mistakes By:Dan Delgado

Many times in order to speed up the process on negotiations clients will try dealing with creditors and collectors on their own, this is a big mistake. If fees are being paid for someone else to do the work, let them. The professional debt negotiator will only bring a client into a negotiation only when it is absolutely necessary. Many deals on settlements have been damaged by clients thinking they can do better than their negotiator can.

Knowing what to say and what to do in certain situations is completely foreign to most people when it comes to negotiating debt. The language and terms used are not common everyday language, especially when dealing with a legal matter one can end up in more trouble by getting in the way of a negotiation. It takes time to negotiate debt, patience must be had by all parties including, client, collector and negotiator.

The rules and expectations explained by the debt relief agency must be followed at all times in order to bring in successful settlements. Client and negotiator make up a team put together to obtain the best results possible when negotiating debt. The negotiator from time to time will ask the client to provide information that will make his work easier, the client will be looked upon as a great source of information. The client's main responsibility is to continue to accumulate funds for future settlements.

All clients must keep in constant conversation with their negotiator or account representative. Client must always be available to receive and answer messages from their account representative, this will help speed up the settlement process. Proactive clients find a way to stay in touch, those that want to get rid of debt as soon as possible will always be there when needed. These people have a better chance at finishing a debt relief program than the ones trying to help out by negotiating on their own.

On rare occasions clients will be summoned by their negotiators to join in on a negotiation, more often than not this participation is just limited to the client telling the collector they are giving permission to their negotiator to speak to them. No more no less. Other times a client may be involved is to make payment on an agreed settlement as some collectors will not allow a third party to make payment on someone elses' behalf. This is something I like to do myself for my clients own peace of mind, having them know the settlement is real will allow them to sleep better at night.

Dan Delgado is an active unsecured debt negotiator, he has experience negotiating personal as well as business debt. For more information please visit

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